Get Ready to Celebrate Halloween With Your Pups!

We all know that Halloween is supposed to be the scariest day of the year, but your pups don't know about the tradition or the symbolism and the whole thing can be a different kind of scary for them. So let's talk about different ways to have a lot of fun without so much of the scary!
1. How about hosting a dogs-only costume party! It will give all your furry friends a chance to play and have fun and their owners can have a great time as well. They can even wear their favorite costumes. A goody bag with dog treats can be given to each guest.
2. Participate in or arrange your very own neighborhood pet parade. If you are lucky enough to live in a neighborhood with lots of dogs but there hasn't been a dog parade yet, there's no better time than the present.
3. What about hosting a scary dog movie night? Pick a great movie, invite your friends and your pups friends, set up the room with lots of floor pillows, a buffet-style concession stand with dog cookies and treats, unbuttered and unsalted popcorn and drinks. Don't forget an intermission for potty breaks.
4. If you are going to answer the door, make sure to put up a gate so that your dogs can't get to the door, just in case they get too energetic and try to bolt for the door.
5. Want your pup to dress up? Give them a little while to get used to the costume, take it for a trial run days in advance. Unless they are used to being dressed, the actual day isn't the time to try it out. Always remember, please don't leave your pet unattended while wearing their new costume. Check out the latest dog costumes!
6. It goes without saying, but we will anyway, please don't feed your dog any Halloween candy, especially chocolate! If a party is in the works, make sure that there are pup-friendly treats for your dog, so that if anyone wants to feed them something, you have it under control with several bowls full of things they CAN eat!!!