Designer Dog Breeds

Designer dogs are the wave of the future, at least that is what some breeders are inclined to think and if you go by current interest levels, they may be right. A designer dog is the pairing of two purebred dogs of different breeds, such as the Labrador and Poodle, hence the Labradoodle. These dogs differ from your standard mutt because their ancestry is clearly documented through registration. So, why would anyone want to create a designer breed and is there one that is right for you?


Dog breeders have known for quite some time that a pure bloodline can amplify genetic disorders common to a specific breed. Basically, this means that your garden-variety mutt is much healthier than a purebred Doberman because there is a much larger gene pool. Breeders have determined that by mixing two purebred lines you can reduce the risk and occurrence of common genetic illness such as hip dysplasia and more.


Have you longed for a dog but avoided them at all costs due to allergies? Up until now, allergy sufferers have had only a few breeds to choose from including the poodle, Yorkshire Terriers, and the Bichon Frise. All of these designer dog breeds are recommended by the American Kennel Club for allergy sufferers, however, choosing a dog just because they are one of the few breeds that do not shed limits your choices severely. This is another reason designer breed dogs have been created. If you want a dog who does not shed and in a variety of colors check out the Bich Poo, a cross between the Bichon Frise and poodle.

Choosing a Designer Dog

Now that you know a bit more about why designer dog breeds exist, you may be wondering which dog is right for you. That is a very good question and one that will require a little research on your part. First, consider your family life. Do you have children? Are you quite busy? Family composition and living arrangements will figure into your decision as will personal preference.

The best way to determine which designer dog is best for you is by looking at the breeds individually. For example, the Bichon is definitely hypoallergenic, but they are also known to bark a great deal. You want to examine all the traits of both breeds and make sure they fit into your idea of a good pet. If there are negative character traits with a breed, do not just hope they will be overcome by crossing, as they may not be.


Designer dogs are cropping up everywhere and the results are sometimes gorgeous and other times not so much. Remember when you are crossing two distinct breeds you can come up with a variety of traits even some that have historically been recessive. Of course, for many people, this is part of the intrigue. Take the time to learn the key facts about the purebreds these designers are springing from.

This article was written by Renee of – the leading online retailer of commercial patio furniture and the outdoor market umbrella.

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