Good Reasons to Adopt a Dog From a Shelter


Just as there are many ways to obtain a dog, there are many good reasons to a shelter dog. In this article, we will be talking about the benefits and advantages of adopting. -Cost of adopting a dog:  Buying a purebred dog can cost you a lot of money, whereas adopting from a local SPCA should cost you only a few bucks. The usual price for adoption fees cost less than $200, and many charge much less than that. But if you want a purebred for a pet, why not check out the local shelters anyway? Statistically, almost 25% of...

Could a Deadly Toxin Be Lurking in Your Garden? 10 Plants Toxic to Dogs


Dogs are inquisitive by nature. This makes them adorable and sometimes amusing. But their normal curiosity could mean trouble, too, especially when paired with their ravenous appetite and selective taste buds. The last thing you would ever want is for your four-legged pet to get poisoned by any of the many household items and chemicals in your yard, including toxic plants.Keep in mind that sometimes, all it takes is just for Fido to get a little bite at those devious leaves, stems, flowers or fruits to require an urgent trip to the vet.Below are among the most poisonous plants for...

Could Your Dog Be a Canine Blood Donor?


With a short visit to your veterinarian every few months, your dog can be a hero. We’re all familiar with the need for human blood donors, many of us have given blood or do so regularly, knowing that our healthy blood could mean the difference between life and death for another person in need. But, many people don’t realize that dogs need dog blood donors, too. Just like humans, when dogs (and cats!) have an injury, become ill, or need surgery, a blood transfusion could save their lives. Without the generosity of canine blood donors, many of those pets would...

Dog Bones- Are They Safe To Give To My Dog?


If you're like most dog owners, you wonder if it's safe to give bones to your dog. Don't we all wonder what to do when my dog ate chicken bones? And if it is safe to give your dog bones, which ones would be best dog bones? Below is Brandy Arnold's delightful article on dog bone safety Bones have always been a dog’s all-time favorite treat. For years, we have fed our pooches raw or cooked bones, and have delighted in seeing them enjoy every bit of it. Nevertheless, questions have recently been thrown to experts whether all bones are...

Christmas Came Early for the Chihuahuas!


 Today we received a box of goodies from one of our newest vendors, St. George Pets! They make the most cuddly, scrumptious dog beds and blankets and I couldn't resist asking if they would make one for the adorable models of Bitch New York! The owners of St. George Pets, Pat Stallings and Karan Cerutti didn't hesitate to send us a box of goodies to test out for our loyal customers. So here goes... This bed is made from the softest faux fur in a reptile grey and reverses to a grey shag! I have never seen this reptile fur...

Swim Safety: Is Ocean Saltwater Safe For Dogs?


One of the best things about this time of year is the warm, beach-perfect weather on the forecast. But, before you pack the beach bag, make sure you’re prepared to take care of your dog while he’s romping around in the salty sea water! While at the beach, it is important to provide your pooch fresh, clean water to drink. If not, the dog will start to drink water from the sea. This should be avoided because like in humans, drinking salt water is not safe for dogs. As a matter of fact, it can result in dehydration, vomiting, and...

Pet Safety During a Natural Disaster


Making sure everything in your house is pet-proofed is a start, but with natural disasters affecting the lives of people around the world with a growing frequency, you should also make moves to be prepared to protect your pet if one comes your way. While the disasters your area may be prone to will vary based on geography, the main steps you can take in advance to help make sure your pets are protected are pretty similar across the board. 5 Tips for Keeping Your Pet Safe When Disaster Hits The systems and plans our country has in place for dealing with natural disasters...

Is My Dog Having a Seizure?


Because a lot of dog owners do not fully understand how seizures affect animals and how to identify them, they often mistakenly diagnose an attack as merely a canine idiosyncrasy such as whining or pacing. When your pooch cannot tell you that he needs to see the doctor, you have to be the one to know when things are going wrong. Being attentive and educated about the health of your pet is just as vital as those visits to the dog park.Stages of Dog Seizure1. Prodrome stage. The stage prior to the actual attack. Changes in a dog’s mood can...

How to Treat (and Possibly Save!) an Overheated Dog


With the warm weather of summer just around the corner, many areas of the country are already heating up! Dogs, in general, are intolerant of too much heat. Because of this, it is crucial that you’re aware of the signs of heat stress or heat stroke, and how to treat them if they occur. Knowing exactly what to do when your pooch gets overheated, and immediate action can save his life. A Brief Overview Heat stroke normally happens when a dog loses his innate ability to regulate his body temperature. Dogs do not sweat all over their bodies the way...

Homeopathic Remedies & Flower Essences for Your Dog’s Physical and Emotional Well-being


I’ve been studying Homeopathy and Heilkunst (a more advanced system of medicine) for over two decades and I’m still in utter awe of how effectively both acute and chronic issues can be annihilated without the need for a visit to the local clinic. I’ve covered just a few basic remedies here for you to be able to stock your own natural home pharmacy. Every member of our family, including our teens, have advanced training in first aid. It is important to always have a properly stocked first aid kit in your car (next to your dog car seat), as well...

5 Phone Numbers Every Dog Owner Should Have Handy


If you’ve got a dog (or, is it that the dog has you?) this is one list you’ll want to print out and keep near the phone. In an emergency, when the internet is down, or if you simply need assistance with your dog from a real, live person, these 5 phone numbers should be in the Rolodex of every dog owner: National Animal Poison Control Center: 1 888 426 4435. In an emergency every second counts. The National Animal Poison Control Center is a 24-hour manned emergency hotline sponsored in part by 36 different companies. While there is sometimes a charge...

Why Table Scraps Are Bad For Dogs


Winter is usually the time for great holiday parties and huge home-style dinners. But as much as you’d like to include Fido in the fun, keep in mind that feeding him even just a few tasty treats from your table is definitely not the way. More often than not, table food is typically too fatty for a dog’s digestive system and can result in severe stomach upsets. To help you keep your pooch safe and sound this holiday season, learn the following by heart:  Why Avoid Feeding Table Scraps Oily and fatty foods, which are often found on our tables,...